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About the tool 

The Assessment tool for integrated BIM and Operations & Maintenance Maturity enables built environment asset owners and professionals to assess the maturity of BIM integration with O&M for buildings based on five (5) categories of the information requirements (IRs) (i.e., General IRs, Strategic IRs, Operational IRs, Commercial IRs, and Continuous Improvements IRs).  The assessment subsequently provides a point of reference for continuous improvement.

To start the assessment, the user should click on the START button, after which the Assessment tool will appear. The Assessment tool has five categories, each category contains certain number of information requirements and its respective taxonomy descriptions for the different maturity levels. For each category, i.e., for each row in the Assessment tool, the user should refer to the information requirement and its taxonomy description level, where the user has to enter the relevant scoring values between (1-5) in column 'Current performance' and column 'Target performance' based on the 5 maturity levels. Please ensure to press the (ENTER KEY) after each time you input a score.The results will automatically appear under the Result section.

How to use the tool 

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